Monday, March 27, 2017
Wavevolution - Introduction
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Welcome to Wavevolution
Its Word is prisoner.
Its letters are hidden still inside the ink.
One line of thought and a few metaphors
are here to catapult Its Portrait beyond words.
Time for Awakening
Fast is approaching the day of reckoning
Daring is to tell you when, better then to tell you rhymes
could not side with either one to get ready for our times
to look beyond and past today to seek for a solution
one only hope is there for you and spells Wavevolution
The ultimate Revolution wins with the ultimate weapon
Your Mind
This introduction is for you to expect, recognize
and put in perspective the many "surprises"
that will soon change the World and your Life.
There is no need for Prophets.
Throughout history when a new emerging power bloc (today China - Russia)
had challenged the Supremacy of the old declining power
the ultimate result has always been the same: War.
Once again we have reached the end of the rope.
The Zionist Anglo-Judaic Movement
within the governments of USA, UK and Israel
is ready to fight and pay any price to keep its Hegemony
The third World War is now at our doorsteps.
While this War will be inevitable
the final result will depend on the impact that the propaganda
and the lies of the Media will have on the public opinion.
As far fetched as now it may seem,
there is a single Solution for this Conflict
to have a favorable outcome for the entire Humankind
and for these cycles not to repeat again and again.
Just like the superior force of any one single
is easily overcome by the union of the many
against any Hegemony there is only one vaccine:
A new and definition of the concept of Equality
would need to become unambiguous and clear for all
as it would not be possible to fight for a concept
that for many people represents different meaning.
There is a common denominator among all Human beings
and that will have to be at the base of this concept.
Although strong Nationalistic tendencies are rising all over the World,
just like for climate change,
the remedy requires a collective effort to face this global threat.
Humankind will have to drop all its borders
and coexist as if it were in One single Country.
Pointless to fight for either a Western or Eastern bloc.
The Conflict must be defined from the beginning only
pro or against Equality
without distinctions for Religion, race or Country.
The solution for this Conflict starts from "far away"
and begins with a new concept of Equality
that is defined by a new discovery
Wavevolution is a newly discovered energy transformation:
low frequency waves
transform into
Wavevolution is the opposite of nuclear fission.
Maybe at first sight, the revelations deriving from Wavevolution will seem difficult to believe
but after a closer look
you will realize that the consequences go far beyond the simple discovery
and turn upside down many common beliefs.
In fact, Wavevolution is the connecting link that closes the circle of science
to open our eyes toward new horizons never seen before.
It is now possible to recognize beyond any doubt:
Time, Space and Movement
(in One depending coexistence)
one same behavior in waves and atoms
(the Creation revealed by One single unaltered Movement)
the existence of One Universal Law
(Quantum Mechanics or Law of Attraction)
the existence of One God
(different than the one invented by Moses in the Bible)
the common origin of our evolution
(and a sort of Equality from One undifferentiated energy)
While the revelations are many
the reason why you are invited to know of Wavevolution
is because now there is a hope for one new beginning and
One new Belief in the World
A new Science and Religion are one and the same
as the Existence of God is not anymore one mysterious dogma
The timing of this discovery seems to be auspicious.
That is because, without a new Point of Light and a new Direction, Humankind would not know how to change path even if everyone knew that a group of Zionists, leading the secret services in USA, UK and Israel, is the destabilizing force behind most terror events and, with classified information at their disposal and a private army, is guiding Humankind toward a World War and Slavery.
Without an Awakening,
any significant change would be unlikely
even if the people knew exactly what the conspirators will do:
They will throw stones and quickly hide their hand
They will hit one to blame the other and divide all people
They will stir up a Conflict in the name of our differences
Soon you will see revolutions everywhere.
Entire populations will be first reduced to poverty
and then pitted one against the other
until exhausted they will accept to live
submitting to new rules in a World dressed in chains.
Massive poverty will bring chaos and anarchy
while the lack of effective governments will set the stage for one
World Tyranny
It will be just from chaos that one voice will rise
with the promise to fix all and everything.
That will be the forked tongue of the New World Order.
As Humankind will be most vulnerable and confused,
agents on payroll of the New World Order
will take command in each Country,
with fixed elections or even by force.
In the end, all of them will be dictators,
one for each Country,
at the same time all servants of the State of Israel.
The only alternative is from the certainty of this clear Direction:
Once revolutions will have occurred all over the World they soon need to be coordinated.
To oppose the Zionist Plan it will take one single United Front (and not many fragmented) that will be coordinated among the many Countries before it is put into action with strategic timing.
Worldwide Referendum broadcasted Live simultaneously on large screens in the squares of all Countries could answer for a future pro or against Equality and specific questions selected to decide what type of Democracy will exist in a new Humankind.
The final result must be a World united and without borders governed by a Direct Democracy.
The alternative would be much different.
What you see between Israel and Palestine is the gauge to visualize what would be in store for everyone.
Israel was a concept before it became a State
and today is a State like no other.
In fact it is the only Country in the World
that has never defined its borders since its Declaration of Independence
and now is ready to expand its territory
through the use of any means.
From its perspective Israel sees the World
from the top of a virtual Pyramid.
The New World Order will want to appear in the end
as that Greater State of Israel foretold and written in the Bible and that extends to the whole World
but an objective like this would face massive resistance from all populations
if its Plan were exposed
and would remain unfulfilled without the use of Deception.
And in that sense,
9/11 was a "masterpiece" of the Zionists even if you will never hear anything on TV about Israel's involvement. The media propaganda makes sure that Israel remains always untouchable and anyone who have tried to say even half a word was immediately accused of antisemitism.
And yet,
Israel has the total control of the Pentagon in the US.
The Zionists with their Plan and their secret agencies
will do all they can
so that the US forces will fight a World War in place of Israel
Responsible for this is not the Jewish people
but the Jewish culture
as school of Greed and master of Lies.
Unquestionably this culture is Equality's ultimate enemy
Originated from slavery, the culture of Moses was personified two thousand years ago by "money changers", in this century instead by "international bankers". Today, one small group of individuals, like one parallel government hidden in the UK, USA and Israel works relentlessly to build a huge Human Cage while also the citizens of those same Countries are unaware victims manipulated by this Plan based upon the Biblical concept of one "chosen people".
For a change of Direction it will take a "spark"
that could dazzle even those who have been blinded.
The answer to the Zionist Plan in one word is
To recognize Wavevolution is to also recognize a sort of
which is neither financial
nor Equality between man and woman
but it is instead
the Respect of a newly found common origin
reflected in a new system of values
sculptured in a new set of rules
Up to now the concept of Equality has encountered lots of resistance because it capsizes those values that we have been used to.
Our cultures have all been influenced by Religions that still today demonstrate how to live in a pyramidal system which is made of many casts, for example from priests to Popes.
The same pyramidal system applied by the Animal kingdom is also the only system adopted by all "Human" societies. This has accustomed the people to live without mutual Respect and to coexist within a system of subordination and mental slavery.
A change of Direction in the Destiny of Humankind will coincide with a new way to view ourselves.
The Awakening
will need to include at least 3 changes among the people:
1) One new Awareness.
The Creation now revealed as One single broken mirror which is formed by the symmetries of Its fragments also reveals one interconnection between all of us.
As Wavevolution shows how the origin of all energy in the Universe, including the human being, had been first waves and then mass, it also opens our eyes to our Equality.
This new Awareness of the Creation will lead to a new way to view ourselves and a new form of mutual Respect
2) One basic understanding of the similarities between Judaism, Christianity and Islam which are like 3 branches of one same tree.
These 3 Religions base their Beliefs on the Bible and on the same deceiving description of God invented by Moses about 3,500 years ago.
Today it is as if one Rabbi, one Pope and one Imam were yelling 3 views of the World from the top of 3 pyramids.
Three screams but one same concept.
Any pyramidal view of the World is always enemy of Equality and symbolic banner of the Animal kingdom.
The blasphemy of Moses expressed by these 3 Religions has now taken into a new role.
One group of individuals uses these 3 as instruments for one War which is apparently between Religions but it is instead instigated by a conspiracy to dominate the World.
3) Knowledge of the various steps of the Zionist Plan.
It is possible to read it like in a screenplay of a movie and recognize the many sequences that these individuals are trying to reproduce.
In the next scene, it is as if someone were knocking at your door and holding one “sacred” book on one hand and one knife on the other behind his back.
The Bible is used as a weapon to instigate a War of Religion and to build in the end the largest of all pyramids: the New World Order.
Without the need of a crystal ball and without a doubt, there is a Plan for the largest robbery of all times attempted by these criminals masked as bankers or politicians.
Their Plan follows the exact footprints already defined in this controversial manuscript called:
"The Protocols of the Elders of Zion"
(one copy held in the British Museum)
“Our countersign is - Force and Make-believe. Violence must be the principle, and cunning and make-believe the rule for governments which do not want to lay down their crowns at the feet of agents of some new power.”
“…will hearken to our preaching of the Religion of Moses, that, by its stable and thoroughly elaborated system has brought all the peoples of the World into subjection to us. Therein we shall emphasize its mystical right, on which, as we shall say, all its educative power is based…”
In the past everyone repudiated the paternity of this book and they were all pointing fingers but today it is no longer important to know who wrote it. Instead it is important to know that its strategy is being executed with utmost precision and could soon be finalized.
Too many similarities during the last few years coincide with the escalating events already described in the final stage of the plot of this manuscript.
Not the protests or the violence in the streets could ever stop this Plan relying on its long tentacles and on the short memory of the people.
A new Direction begins with Wavevolution
bridging through Science all people into the shores of Equality and beyond any border marked by Religions.
Wavevolution is the only answer for the next War of Religion
like also for those Jews, Christians and Muslims
who want an alternative to their blind Belief of one Bible that they all share.
The demand for drastic changes will soon become deafening even for new and alternative forms of government.
One precise path must outline for the future one clear Direction to present to the people. It will take an alternative to the pyramidal system in which we live to introduce a new system of government that could solve the Human conflict at its root where is buried the dilemma between
Individualism and Equality
In fact,
Communism limits the human spirit and dims the ambitions that are needed to generate the spark and stimulate new ideas for the future.
Capitalism values the human being according to wealth and property and it is built on competition and discordance.
This system will punctually lead to unsustainable extremes.
Beyond all that,
Communism and more recently even Capitalism have both failed because of the same old illness: corruption.
In a new and long lasting form of government, Trust can no longer be one of its components.
All efforts should be made to form a new type of government with new mechanisms that will not require the element of Trust or the promise of a politician to guarantee that the will of the majority will always be reflected in the laws of that government. This will be a system that could improve in time the already existing possibility of such government today structured through the use of the Internet.
A new form of Democratic government is
Commutalism is a new concept of Democracy without politicians which is organized through the Internet to balance the needs of the Individual with the Respect for Equality.
Commutalism is structured to provide the necessary goods for the survival of everyone and introduces at the same time a new transparent form of Capitalism to trade all those goods which are not necessary, like in a market open to the competition of all superfluous goods
For the sake of transparency, this new type of Capitalism would rule that each single transaction must be reported on the Net to become visible like an invoice made public and taxable at the origin with one fix percentage applied for all.
In such system, all private properties and their owners like also all money transactions and trades of private property must be publicly reported on the Net. This is to prevent unlawful transactions and root out corruption through the immediate confiscation of those goods that have not been reported.
Moreover, to reduce Greed and restore the financial equilibrium worldwide, it will be enough to eliminate the concept of inheritance. The private property of the people will return to the State after the death of each person to be auctioned among all citizens. In the time span of one generation it is possible to have this new equilibrium. People could make as much as they want and spend to even educate their children but inheritance and donations would not be allowed.
Once the survival is guaranteed for everybody there will be no need to be as tolerant with crime as we are today when the crime is a consequence of our corrupted system.
In Commutalism, the right to own properties must be protected and guaranteed also for those who want to work and trade their own Time to obtain more than just the basic necessities provided by the system.
In a Destiny that is like a Human chess game played by the same system of rules also governing physic and chemistry, the value of Money must lose the scepter or else the next move is already set.
Beware of politicians who will try to persuade the public opinion by simply referring to the Bible, speaking of wars and God both in the same sentence.
The job of the mass media is to cloud the understanding of the people through all sorts of misinformation made to raise more doubts and generate confusion.
In the end, Zionists will be defined as all those who do not believe in Equality.
For example,
those who claim superiority for themselves or for others, like who believe in queens and kings or also the followers of those Religions that still today celebrate our difference and not what we have in common.
The Conflict is one between
the old Animals opposed to a new Humankind.
The threat of the Zionist Plan and its hidden Direction could vanish only if there will be one single front capable to hold back that constant attempt to divide all people.
Those who would want to change Direction, but feel paralyzed because they are born into a certain Country or Religion, they could also be part of that single front.
As long as talking about Equality is not a crime you should not be too worry if a secret agent were to listen to your phone calls or take aim at your computer.
Too much is at stake.
Even the same agent should think.
If the Mind were clear each stain would appear.
Grab the message
Spread the Word