Thursday, August 2, 2012

Progressive Science of Wavevolution

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The progressive science of Wavevolution regards the transformation from waves to atoms and its correlation to new understandings of the relation between Space and Time.

Wavevolution extends the concept of evolution to all forms of energy through a process of gradual changes that transform waves into atoms.
All elements have one electric charge, one counterpart and one mass.
Mass-less does not exist. Symmetry is everywhere.
Neutral elements are composites of two opposite charges and are not elementary particles.

Wavevolution is the energy transformation opposite to nuclear fission.

The many revelations originated from this transformation have repercussions well beyond the progress of science and with domino effect they point to new horizons never seen before.

Wavevolution is the link that was missing to reveal the Creation.

The origin of the Universe is revealed even by the spark appearing from the friction of two cutting blades while they are being sharpened. Try to videotape the spark appearing from those two blades, then watch again the same film while it is being rewound and in slow motion. You will see the light from the spark entering the blades and becoming part of them. In fact, the photons of light are the building blocks of those metal blades. This simple example should be sufficient to also explain the Creation of all mass in the Universe. Once they have reached one critical level of energy, lost heat as they travel and having therefore reduced their frequencies, waves collapse, also forming two subatomic particles with opposite charges, as if they were the split ends of one broken hair. Since the Big Bang, waves continue to solidify into hydrogen atoms and transform their energy in different forms of mass.  The Human beings, made up of atoms, are the ultimate product of a slow process started by the transformation of waves.

In Wavevolution all forms of energy constantly transform.
The same quantum of energy originally carried by any wave becomes gradually fragmented and dispersed by the encountered interferences.
For example, quanta of gamma rays over time will lower their potential to become X rays and X rays will gradually become ultraviolet rays diminishing their original frequencies. The initial quantum of energy is transformed into different forms of energy through spontaneous symmetry breaking.

Wavevolution shows how the behavior in waves and atoms is identical and how this single movement common to all energy is comparable to One Divine Will that creates the whole Universe.
This constant movement, Quantum mechanics, is here intended as the natural Law of Attraction between two opposite and complementary electric charges.

Although this single Law moves all energy in symmetry, the apparent chaos in the Universe would seem unpredictable and non symmetrical in all places.   That is why scientists theorized about the existence of four natural laws (gravity, electromagnetism, weak and strong nuclear forces) but in fact it is only One Law.

Back in the eighteen century Simon Laplace already said: "We may regard the present state of the universe as the effect of its past and the cause of its future. An intellect which at a certain moment would know all forces that set nature in motion, and all positions of all items of which nature is composed, if this intellect were also vast enough to submit these data to analysis, it would embrace in a single formula the movements of the greatest bodies of the universe and those of the tiniest atom; for such an intellect nothing would be uncertain and the future just like the past would be present before its eyes."
Even if such formula remains out of the human reach it would seem evident that each movement is from the urgency and necessity of the energy to reach a determined space and reestablish a new equilibrium.

The discovery of the existence of One Universal Law that had one beginning about 14 billion years ago and that was not caused by Humankind confirms as a consequence the existence of One Creator.

New and Old Science:

In spite of two findings from Einstein and Planck, one to show the equation between atoms and energy and the other to discover the constant between waves' frequencies and energy, traditional science has never closed the circle.
Still today, science does not recognize the transformation from waves to atoms.
The bureaucracy of traditional science prevents the recognition of Wavevolution since its verification does not meet some of the pre-established criteria. In fact, the problem is in the compilation of these laws or criteria like the “uncertainty principle” from Heisenberg which was introduced as a pillar of science and that is not only erroneous as it is, but also became an insurmountable obstacle for all scientific progress, imposing limits that makes it impossible to recognize the concept of simultaneity.  
That is why, that antiquated system of rules was also the cause of misleading theories.

For example, Space is not “curved”.
In Einstein's paradigm, a stone that falls on the ground from the window of a moving train also marks one parabola in Space. Although, this path is only apparent since the Earth is also moving and the Time spent by the stone to reach the ground has also changed to some degree that imaginary vertical line. At the Time of the initial Movement when the stone falls from the window its potential trajectory is one perpendicular Space that is no longer the same as the stone continues to move until it hits the ground. If the scientist had known that the coordinates of Space in Time are unique and unrepeatable then all the rest would have also been "straight". That perpendicular is straight but accounted as “curve” because of the limits imposed to science in regard to the concept of simultaneity. In reference to any one body, on each moment in Time, there are always only two coordinates in Space for one perpendicular if Time and Movement (or speed) were accounted for in simultaneity.
And with two coordinates there is no curve.
One perpendicular is unrepeatable and never the same because while the measure of it is repeatable and any measurement can be applied for different segments instead one perpendicular marked in Time will never again have that same spatial positioning. The perpendicular changes in Time but Einstein believed that the concept of Space is independent from the concept of Time.

Another example is in the special theory of relativity which denies all absolutes and meanings of truth. This is in regard to Einstein's example of two beams of light hitting one same embankment of a railroad on two Points: Point A and Point B. In between the two there is also the middle point, Point M. If one train were to run over that track then on the train we would also have Point A1 on the wagon of the train right above Point A and one other corresponding Point B1 right above Point B. We would also have on the train Point M1 above Point M. Einstein's theory is that as for Point M (not moving because on the embankment) those two beams are simultaneous and equidistant, instead, for the passenger sitting on Point M1 and moving towards Point B1 (and also toward Point B) the two beams are not simultaneous because the beam in Point B1 is being approached by the moving train, therefore closer to Point M1. In this example, while Einstein’s concept of Time is rigidly kept unchanged in regard to the embankment, instead, the concept of Space is extended also to the next moment in Time when the traveler will move even if in that precise instant the traveler has not moved yet. Since the concept of simultaneity had been put aside, Einstein considered Time to be the same while Space instead had changed.

Also, this same scientist erroneously believed that all colors in the light spectrum travel at the same speed.
Much confusion comes from these approximations.

Einstein's theory defined the Universe in one closed Space which is neither expanding nor contracting, as one static Universe. That is opposite to what we have learned a few years later by the redshift, or that an accelerating Universe exists in constant expansion.

Modern scientists have introduced Standard Model and String theory but still today these two remain inconclusive when attempting to explain how the Universe was created from those conditions. In their theories, these scientists are trying to explain the Creation with atomic particles already existing at the time of the Big Bang.
The contradictions originate from Einstein's faulty conclusions and from the reverence shown by scientists too afraid to take a new stand which is not aligned with the late scientist. Einstein believed that one fixed number of atoms had always existed and that atoms did not originate from waves.

From Einstein's hypothesis is reported that energy and matter are analogous but that energy transfers through two separate mechanisms: particles and waves. This erroneous division shows two forms of energy, particles and waves, as if they were not interchangeable.
Recently, the concept of a particle is under new scrutiny in light of experiments which have shown the smallest particles to behave just like waves.
Wave particle duality is the concept that all matter and energy exhibit both wave-like and particle-like behavior. One of the effects of this theory is that photons can be calculated to have frequency, wavelength, amplitude, and other properties inherent in wave mechanics.

In this context, Wavevolution fundamentally differs from the Wave-particle duality in the sense that while this last theory considers the photons as particles behaving like waves instead in Wavevolution waves transform into particles.
In Wavevolution, waves and particles are interchangeable and there is only one mechanism to transfer all energy; that is quantum mechanics.

In some regards, the progress of science came to a halt since 1927 when the credibility of Quantum Mechanics and the concept of causality were placed in doubt.
That year in Copenhagen, the scientist Heisenberg introduced the “uncertainty principle” and according to this it is not possible to exactly determine at the same Time the Space and Movement of a particle. The problem is that to obtain an exact position occupied in Space, for example, by an electron it takes the use of short wavelengths which transfer to the electron a great amount of energy turning that electron unpredictable and uncontrollable. Instead, to obtain a precise account of the Movement of the electron it takes a very small amount of light (very long wave) which results in a poor definition of the position in Space of that particle. The more exact and defined is the Space of a particle the more difficult is to know its Movement and vice versa.
Heisenberg manifested his frustration in the inability to determine the exact position of an electron and with his "uncertainty principle" it was then decided that what could not be observed with human eye it will not be part of science.

Instead, the fact that we can not observe the exact Space and Movement of one electron should not imply that the electron does not occupy one position in Space. It is evident that our knowledge occurs through the perception of our senses but it should be equally evident that One World exists and It is independent from our senses.

The philosophy of Subjectivism from Bohr, Einstein and Heisenberg believes that when one electron or one photon is not observed it does not have any position and its position becomes materialized only as consequence of one human observation. In the name of all science, this arrogant assumption was sealed by these three scientists since 1927 and made into a "law".

It will take a new Progressive Science before Humankind could see the first light of a new dawn.